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Showing posts from August, 2015


Hey everyone!  First of all, I want to say to all my loyal readers that have asked over the last few months when I was getting back into blogging.  That means so much to me knowing that you guys like reading my posts and asked for more.  It's been a busy few months and I've been tied up in other things, one of which I will get into at a later time.  Trust me when I say working on Tarzan was an absolute blast!  That's a story for another post. Of all the things I would have ever thought my girls would want to do, cheering was not on the radar.  Why, you ask?  First of all, neither Paula or I were cheerleaders (please...we'll have that discussion about male cheerleaders for another time.  I am all for it, so save your fury for something else.)  Music and acting dominated the Hoff House, and Sarah seems to have taken a liking to music.  Hannah has too, but she has turned her attention to cheering. You know, now that I think about it, Hannah was always wanted to ch

Centerville Barbers...A Little Off The Top

Hey guys.....this post is for you.  If you are anything like me, then you know that there is nothing better than a great haircut.  However, that seemed to be a fools errand trying to find a place where I was happy.  For years, I have bounced around from salon to salon, looking for a good cut.  There are a plethora of shops around town that are geared for men that offer sports on television, a neck/shoulder massage and mediocre haircut.  You know the kind:  a cut you wanted something a little different and new.  Then after a week or maybe two, you are stuck with an uneven cut that looks like all the others you have gotten in the past.  I was in that position for many years.  I would find a place that I liked and for a while I would be contented.  Then the shop would raise the price and I would be right back where I started. One day, one a whim, I asked my buddy Adam where he got his hair cut.  He told me about a place called Centerville Barbers.  I asked if he liked them and he ent