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Showing posts from September, 2015

A Fresh Touch

I had not planned on posting a blog for a bit as I am writing other things at the moment.  After what I experienced in church this morning, I felt compelled to get this down to share my story. Paula, Sarah and I, along with John-Phillip (JP) sang this morning on a Praise Team.  Brian and the Hoffettes (what I affectionately nicknamed the team, much to everyone's annoyance).  We had several awesome songs that we were slated to sing.  "Your Grace is Enough", "Lead Me To the Cross", "We Are", "Soul On Fire", and "Glory to God Forever". To back this up a few days ago, Paula has an eye appointment and she found out that the pressure in her right eye was abnormally high, signaling the presence of Glaucoma.  Her maternal grandmother had Glaucoma, and so the odds of Paula developing it were higher.  Well, now she has the start.  The eye doctor told her it was when, not if she will start to lose vision in her eye.  This whole proces